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2007 博士,不列颠哥伦比亚大学, 机械工程专业

2000 学士,上海交通大学,船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业



2023-至今 教授,欧洲杯开户平台,(中国)官方网站,,海洋科学与工程系


2013-2023 教授,上海交通大学,船舶与海洋工程系

2009-2013 高级研究员,美国国家可再生能源实验室

2008-2009 研究员,美国西北太平洋国家实验室 



2021 美国船舶和海洋工程学会SNAME Fellow

2018 美国机械工程学会ASME Fellow

2015 美国航空航天学会 Associate Fellow




1. 国家科技部重点研发项目 《中国澳大利亚近海风能波浪能联合研究中心》 2019-2022

2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目 《真实潮流作用下潮流能水轮机的水动力特性研究》2019-2022

3. 国家自然科学基金委国际合作重点项目《下一代海上风力机在极端风浪载荷下的关键技术与机理》2017-2020



代表性论文(* 通讯作者)

1. Jiang,B.,Hou,E.,Gao,Z.Ding,J.,Fang,Y.,Khan,S.,Wu,G.,Wang,Q.,Meng,F.and Li,Y.* and Wang, X. (2023“Resource Assessment for Combined Offshore Wind and Wave Energy in China” Science China: Technological Sciences, 66, 2530-2548

2. Leng,J.,Gao,Z.,Wu,M.,Guo,T. and Li,Y.* (2023)“A fluid–structure interaction model for large wind turbines based on flexible multibody dynamics and actuator line method” Journal of Fluids and Structures,118,103857

3. Zhang,L.,Li,Y.*,Xu,W.,Gao,Z.Fang,L.,Li,R.,Ding,B. Zhao,B.,Leng,J. and He.F. (2022)“Systematic Analysis of Performance and Cost of Two Floating Offshore Wind Turbines with Significant Interactions” Applied Energy 321,119341,

4. Gao, Z. T., Feng, X. Y., Zhang, Z. T., Liu, Z. L., Gao, X. X., Zhang, L. J., Li, S., & Li, Y*. (2022). A brief discussion on offshore wind turbine hydrodynamics problem. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 34(1), 15-30. 

5. Li, S. T., Li, Y. *, Yang, C. X., Wang, Q., Zhao, B., Li, D. S., Zhao, R. W., Ren, T. X., Zheng, X. B., Gao, Z. T., & Xu, W. H. (2021). Experimental investigation of solidity and other characteristics on dual vertical axis wind turbines in an urban environment. Energy Conversion and Management, 229, Article 113689. 

6. Ren, Z. R., Verma, A. S., Li, Y. *, Teuwen, J. J. E., & Jiang, Z. Y. (2021). Offshore wind turbine operations and maintenance: A state-of-the-art review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144, Article 110886.

7. Tang,T.,Xu,W.,Barratt,D.,Bingham,H.,Li.Y.*,Talor,P.,van den Bremer,T., and Adcock,T. (2021)“Spatial evolution of the kurtosis of steep unidirectional random waves” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 908,A3

8. Wu, X. N., Hu, Y., Li, Y. *, Yang, J., Duan, L., Wang, T. G., Adcock, T., Jiang, Z. Y., Gao, Z., Lin, Z. L., Borthwick, A., & Liao, S. J. (2019). Foundations of offshore wind turbines: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104, 379-393. 

9. Xia, Y. K., Xu, K., Li, Y. *, Xu, G. H., & Xiang, X. B. (2019). Improved line-of-sight trajectory tracking control of under-actuated AUV subjects to ocean currents and input saturation. Ocean Engineering, 174, 14-30. 

10. Xu, Q. L., Li, Y. *, Yu, Y. H., Ding, B. Y., Jiang, Z. Y., Lin, Z. L., & Cazzolato, B. (2019). Experimental and numerical investigations of a two-body floating-point absorber wave energy converter in regular waves. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91, Article 102613.  



1.    The University of Edinburgh(英国)  荣誉教授

2.    Australian Maritime College(澳大利亚) 兼职教授

3.    Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy-副主编

4.    Journal of Marine Science and Technology-副主编

5.    Wind Energy-编委;

6.    Journal of Hydrodynamics-编委;

7.    上海海洋可再生能源工程技术研究中心  技术委员会主任

8.    甘肃省风力机工程技术研究中心 学术委员会主任